Pacific Northwest Writers
Logo design and identity package
for Pacific Northwest Writers Conference.
Nova Networks
Identity and branding for computer
networking company, specializing in corporate LAN and WAN communications.
Sandpiper Beach Resort
Updated image and branding
for Sandpiper Beach Resort on the Washington coast.
Emerald Productions, Inc.
Logo design and corporate identity
for a video production and studio rental company.
Pinnacle Hardood Design,
Layout and development of logo
for Northwest wood flooring design and installation company.
Color Control
Branding and packaging for
color RIP software used with digital wide-format color printers
Little Rascals
Identity and branding for professional
modeling and talent agency, specializing in child actors and
Nitro Productions, Incorporated
Logo development and identity
for motion picture production company doing a film about race
car legend, Big Daddy Don Garlitz.
The Frosty's logo was created
as an illustration of what special graphic treatments could be
accomplished using a CD collection of "Natural Background"
images. The silvery filling inside the letterforms is an actual
photograph of frost.
Floyd & Associates,
Logo development and identity
for tile display manufacturing and sales company.
PearSoft, Inc.
Logo for software startup company
specializing in computer security.
Fast Lane Auto Racing
Logo developed for auto racing
3-Year Warranty Bug
Logo developed for print display
advertisement, featuring a new, longer warranty on a digital
Graphic word treatment, developed
for corporate holiday greeting card.
Daniel Wend
Self Identity used in my creative
art, commercial design, and photography. I created this font
which is based on my own hand printed letter forms, using a calligraphy
pen. I then modified and refined each letter form in a vector
design program.
Mountain Brewing Company
Logo for micro brewing company
and restaraunt.